by Robert Assaf | May 20, 2022 | Exercise, Health, Robert Assaf, Uncategorized, Workouts
The Benefits of Having a Workout Partner Working out is one of the best strategies to improve your health and prevent different lifestyle diseases. However, exercising requires commitment and dedication to increase the chances of meeting fitness goals faster....
by Robert Assaf | Apr 21, 2022 | Exercise, Health, Robert Assaf, Uncategorized, Workouts
Are you stuck in a workout rut? Are you having trouble progressing and seeing results? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. This blog post will discuss ways to avoid workout plateaus...
by Robert Assaf | Mar 24, 2022 | Exercise, Health, Robert Assaf, Workouts
Don’t let the rain stop your run: tips to run while it’s raining Once you start running for fitness, the rush of endorphins your brain releases will encourage you to run every day. Unfortunately, some days may not be warm and sunny, but you’ll still...
by Robert Assaf | Jan 11, 2022 | Health, Robert Assaf
Diabetes has become one of the most preventable plagues in this world. Some cases are due to heredity and are unavoidable, but others occur due to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Both of which are typically preventable. Since 2010, premature mortality rates due to...
by Robert Assaf | May 10, 2021 | Health, Robert Assaf, Work
Working from home may seem convenient, but it comes with its challenges. For one, it can make sticking to a fitness routine a lot harder. When you don’t have to leave your home to go to work, you tend to lose the motivation to go out at all, which can be...
by Robert Assaf | Apr 8, 2021 | Health, Robert Assaf
When you’re constantly on the move, it can be easy to fall into the pattern of eating fast food or processed snacks. They’re convenient, tasty, and cheap. Processed and sugary meals should be treated more as a special treat to indulge in now and then: it’s...